Adrian showing off her pretty eggs from the Farm

 We waited so long for this home place and it was after hundreds of hours in searching in all counties surrounding Atlanta and seeing nothing available we could afford, I pray to the Lord for relief and a Farm place we could call our own that was close to a small town and full of good, God fearing and God loving people. Where neighbors knew each other and loved each other.  And on a day I had given up all hope of finding the place, An email was received from Larry that spoke of an open house of the FarmPlace of His Wife's family...As we arrived that day my feet tingled when I touched the soil....I looked at a rambling farmhouse briefly, but it was the land that captivated it.  We walked out in the garden area, taking samples of soil, but mostly on that awesome God given day, I enjoyed Spring flowers and the smell of clean country area, and the atmosphere of being fully welcomed in this land called Bowdon,  I felt a voice telling me, Here is here you should both be. You can live here.  It's so peaceful and calming....   We pursued that evening to send in our offering.  Just before closing i received a rather frightening diagnosis of a severe and potentially life threatening disease.... When I prayed to God about the situation, I remembered the voices from long ago Bible school, "be not afraid for Lo, I am with you even to the end of the earth"...... And yes, I was almost to the end of the earth and thought, Yes this is Bowdown, because I'm Plum Nelly out of GA - only 2 miles from Alabama.  So we closed and yes became strongly in love with the farm, the land and the peoples in this community!

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